Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Introducing: Tatum

This Sunday, August 21, my baby niece Tatum Skillman will be 1 month old. I can't believe that it's already been a whole month since she was born, and I feel like it was just yesterday that I was getting to hold her in my arms for the very first time.

Tatum is the most beautiful, perfect little girl that I have ever seen, and I instantly fell in love with her the moment that I saw her. I have never been a "baby person", and I still don't consider myself one at all... but things are so much different when it comes to my niece. I feel more love for her than I ever could have imagined, and I can not wait to see how she's going to grow and mature to become her own person.

As her aunt I am looking forward to providing her with love and support throughout her life, through every step. She already has me wrapped around her little finger, and I admit that I will probably give her anything she asks for.. she even has a onesie from me that says, "Auntie Said I Could".

Although I may be far away from her and the rest of my family, I think about her every single day. And thanks to things such as Facebook, text messaging, emails, etc. I know that I can see her at almost any time.  I can't even begin to describe how much I look forward to getting to hold her again, and I often will shed a tear or two when thinking about her because I miss her that much.

My heart is so full, I think it just may burst with love!

So here she is, little miss Tatum, the new love of my life :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you have this day and age to communicate feelings. With blogs and Facebook, email, etc.it is so much easier to let your loved ones know of your commitment to them.

    Hope my Nieces know I wanted the same things but didn't have the time nor technology to be the Modern Day Auntie I wish I could've been.

    Am happy for you & Tatum and your opportunities!
